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Oficina Musicum Venetiae OMV

Founded in 2005 in Vicenza, Oficina Musicum is an instrumental and vocal organization whose activity is mainly focused on the revaluation of baroque and classical music with performances that range from two violins and bass continuous to complete baroque and classical ensembles of sixty elements. 


Its founder, the harpsichordist and organist Riccardo Favero, is Director and Concert master. He has brought together under his guidance, musicians and singers with great talent and deep knowledge about the practice of performance, who came from prestigious Italian and international orchestras. His goal from the start has been to focus the activities of Oficina Musicum on the discovery and revival of those Italian composers too often forgotten by the concert circuits. 

Among them, Giovanni Legrenzi is undoubtedly the focus of the current research, as well as the study of the best expressions of the production of European music (Bach, Handel, Mozart, Haydn etc.) strictly executed with original instruments.

Oficina Musicum has performed in various Italian and European cities, bringing enthusiastic acclaim from audiences and critics. Recent successes are the "Veneto Festival Musica Antica"and the "Festival Musica Sacra"performed in Trento with the unpublished scores of Giovanni Legrenzi. From editing these Riccardo Favero has made some world premiere recordings with original instruments, for the record label Dynamic:

  • “Concerti musicali per uso di Chiesa Op. I” (doppio CD: “Messa a 4 Voci e Doi Violini” e “Vesperae Solemnes de    Confessore")

  • “Testamentum, Missa Lauretana Quinque Vocibus”

  • “Il Sedecia”, Oratorio in 2 parti


The philological approach that Oficina Musicum places in search of the stylistic elements of the Italian tradition, is recognized as a distinctive in other recordings as well:

  • “Betulia Liberata” di W.A. Mozart per il cofanetto “Mozart Complete Edition” Brilliant Classic

  • “Le quattro stagioni e la follia” di A. Vivaldi - Urania Records

  • “Jesu Membra Nostri” di D. Buxtehude - DVD (live) - Fondazione Levi di Venezia

  • “Messa a quattro voci da cappella” di C. Monteverdi - prossima uscita con Dynamic

  • “Concerto per Clarinetto e Orchestra” di J. Stamitz, “Concerto in Do Maggiore per Fortepiano e Orchestra” di A. Salieri ed il “Concerto KV 622” di W. A. Mozart per Corno di Bassetto e Orchestra - DVD (live) prossima uscita

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